Rule your energy with Rhythm Energy’s PowerShift.

Our PowerShift Plans save you money when you shift your power to off-peak hours.

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Time-of-use plans 101

Time-of-use plans charge different rates for energy during different periods throughout the day, which gives you the ability to shift your energy consumption into the periods of the day with lower energy rates. Shifting your energy consumption can help save you money, help alleviate grid pressure, and help the planet.

When to reduce your usage 

  • On-peak: High-demand time when electricity costs more. Shift usage outside this window based on your TOU plan's structure (morning, evening, or both) to save money. 

  • Seasonal on-peak: Seasonally high-demand time when electricity costs more, like winter mornings when people are heating their homes. Limit heavy appliance usage and reduce AC/heat (especially electric) during this period.

When you can go nuts 

  • Off-peak: Low-demand time when electricity costs less. You’re encouraged to use electricity-heavy items during this period for cost savings, environmental benefits, and grid efficiency. 

  • Ultra off-peak: Cheapest-priced period with lowest electricity demand, usually overnight. Utilize this time to charge your EV, use AC, or heat your space.


Save an average of $500 or more a year on electricity with PowerShift.

We crunched the numbers and compared our time-of-use plan to similar plans in Texas.

Our time-of-use plan, PowerShift, is the truest one in Texas. Traditionally, companies like to hang their time-of-use hats on FREE—free nights, free hours, free everything. But in life, nothing is free. Especially electricity.

So, while the idea of a free night of electricity might sound good, what you might not realize is that comes with a very expensive day. And we actually have the lowest daytime energy rate in Texas. And take note that we said lowest, not free.

We’re proud that our PowerShift Plans are the first true time-of-use plans in Texas. We entice you to shift power (clever name, right?) consumption of your high-energy appliances to off-peak hours to save money.

Outside of saving on your electric bill, you can look forward to a lot more.

  • You’ll have flexibility to truly make the plan your own because you’re always in control.

  • No gimmicks, no free nights. Just transparency.

  • You’ll help the Texas grid be greener and more reliable.

We’ve crunched all the numbers. The chart below shows you how much you can save with Rhythm’s PowerShift, versus popular “free” time-of-use plans in Texas.

tou chart 2

Are you willing to make a few changes to save money?

Then our PowerShift 12 Plan gives you the power to do just that. This plan is ideal for people who are always looking to save money and are willing to make a few small changes to get them there. Each day, they might manually turn up their AC up a few degrees when they get home from work and do laundry later in the evening to avoid on-peak pricing.


Charge your electric vehicle for super cheap.

Our PowerShift EV time-of-use plans entice you to shift when you charge your EV to overnight hours for next to nothing and save.

You've already made the smart choice by going green with an EV, so why not reward yourself by saving money while you charge it?

We've designed two different plans to accommodate the various weather and geographies across the Lone Star State. To find out which one you're eligible for, submit your zip code and start saving.

Image: PS Shift EV

Don’t mind a touch of complexity to save even more?

Then our PowerShift Seasonal 12 Plan can deliver some cool savings to your wallet. This plan is ideal for those who don’t mind shifting their electricity usage of big energy suckers—AC, washer/dryer, dishwasher, electric heat—to off-peak hours—which are the lowest rates we offer on our time-of-use plans. They also don’t mind an added layer of on-peak hours during the winter months (January, February and March) when demand and prices are higher.


Super tech-savvy and looking to save the most?

Then our PowerShift EV Seasonal 12 Plan gives you the mechanics to save money. This plan is ideal for those who live in a home where everything is connected to their phone—meaning you can schedule your pool pump, EV charger, dishwasher, and laundry with your phone to avoid on-peak pricing. Transparently, this plan is complex, but that shouldn’t be a problem for someone who’s a digital wizard.


7 simple ways to conserve your power

No matter which plan you pick—or even if you don’t pick one—reducing electricity consumption is always a bright idea.

  • It’s all about balance. Set thermostats 4 degrees warmer in the afternoon and evenings in the summer. And use ceiling fans which can make it feel 5 degrees cooler. It’s all about balance. 

  • Follow the 4x4 rule. If nobody’s going to be home for more than 4 hours, set the temperature in your home 4 degrees warmer. Then turn it down when you get home.  

  • Hold off on the wash. Wait ‘til off-peak hours to wash clothes and dishes. Unless it’s an emergency, which we get.  

  • Blinds are your pals. Keep them closed in the up position so light can get in. Oh, and thermal and blackout curtains are always a good idea.  

  • LEDs are also your pals. LED lights are more energy efficient than your traditional bulb. They also last longer, which will also save you money in the long run. 

  • Fill in the cracks. Look around your house—especially older ones—for gaps around doors, windows, and such. Fill them in with caulk if need be. 

  • Pool owner? First of all, jealous. Second of all, set your pool pumps to overnight and definitely never run them in the afternoon/evenings.


How can I tweak my habits at home?


AC and heating

Program your thermostat and adjust temps around peak pricing times. Three degrees up/down should do it.

Appliances TOU

Large appliances

Do your best to avoid running your dishwasher and doing the laundry during on-peak hours to shrink your costs.

Pool Pump - TOU

Pool pump

If you have a pool pump, avoid running it during the evening hours to avoid higher costs.



Charge your electric vehicle overnight for low, low rates, and you'll be in the driver's seat to save big.

Questions about PowerShift?

Answers about PowerShift.

These plans were created to help customers like you, while also helping protect the grid and the planet. PowerShift is based on our ability to manage and predict energy consumption during specific times throughout the day, from season to season. Simply put, electricity costs more and pressure on the grid is greater when demand is higher (on peak), so with a few simple changes you can see a substantially lower electricity bill each month. And with no hidden costs or gotchas, you know exactly what you’ll get when you sign up.

Other providers offer free nights of electricity, but over time the savings that they produce simply don’t match up to ours – because their days are very expensive. At Rhythm, we have the lowest daytime energy rate in Texas, and PowerShift gives you the option to save even more.

Legend with label

PowerShift 12

PS 12

On-peak: 6pm-10pm

Off-peak: All other hours


PowerShift EV 12

PS EV 12

On-peak: 6pm-10pm

Ultra off-peak: Midnight-6am

Off-peak: All other hours


PowerShift Seasonal 12

PS S 12

On-peak: 6pm-10pm

Seasonal on-peak: 6am-9am (January, February, March only)

Off-peak: All other hours


PowerShift EV Seasonal 12

PS EV S 12

On-peak: 6pm-10pm

Seasonal on-peak: 6am-9am (January, February, March only)

Ultra off-peak: 12am-6am

Off-peak: All other hours


Download a PDF of an hourly breakdown of PowerShift plans.

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach like some other providers do. We have developed multiple customized plans, and depending on your usage, tech-savviness, and willingness to make simple changes you can save a lot of money each year.

At their core, time-of-use plans are fueled by time, and more specifically, the ability to manage and predict energy usage during specific moments in time. Plans like these charge different rates at different times of day to incentivize a natural shift to ease the grid and help the planet. And with a few simple changes of behavior, you can see a substantially lower electricity bill each month.

At specific times of the day, a lot of people use a lot of energy, which can put pressure on the grid. These moments of pressure are called on-peak hours. And you can probably guess when those might be. During the summer, on-peak hours are the evening hours when the weather is hot, and you need your house cool. Off-peak is when you don’t need to use as much electricity.

These plans are meant to help customers like you save, while also helping the planet and the grid—which we all in Texas know is oh-so important. By simply limiting your electricity consumption during on-peak hours of the day, you can save money and help the grid. This could mean cranking your AC to cool your house overnight so you don’t have to have it as low during the on-peak hours. Or running your pool pump or charging your EV overnight.

And, no, these plans don’t come with a lot of gotchas. They are exactly what they are. A way for everyone to help each other while also helping themselves, their wallet, and the grid.

They're time-of-use (TOU) plans. TOU is a billing concept in which the price of electricity varies based on when it’s used. While historically, this has been focused on differentiating price based on time of day, it can also be varied based on day or week, month of the year, or other potential markers. But what makes our plans unique is that they are just that: unique. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach like some others do. We developed multiple customized plans, and depending on your needs, usage, tech-savviness, and willingness to make some simple changes, you can save a lot of money.

If you can shift your energy consumption off of on-peak hours, your bill will go down. It’s as simple as that. And depending on which plan you choose, those hours will occur at different times with different energy rates incentives in each time slot.

Anyone who is willing to make a few slight adjustments in their day-to-day energy usage can save a lot of money. With technology where it’s at today, for example if you own a smart thermostat or an EV charging app, it’s simple to just set up energy adjustments on your phone (turning your AC up a few degrees during evening on-peak hours then back down afterwards). Also, the grid and the planet benefit. You're contributing to a cleaner future, because you’re using more power during periods of the day that are usually supplied by a higher percentage of renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

Energy charge breakdowns by hour specific to your plan can be found in the Learn More section of plan card or on EFL.

When energy demand is highest, strain on the grid is greatest. This can lead to higher prices as well as erosion of critical infrastructure like transformers and substations. Also, during off-peak hours the grid is typically supplied by a higher percentage of renewable energy sources like wind and solar, and so more of your usage is supplied from planet-friendly sources.

As your provider, we track your energy usage daily, hour by hour. So we know when your home’s demand is highest, and how much your energy consumption costs.

You sure can! Sign up for PowerShift time-of-use electricity plan and watch the savings accrue. If you aren’t satisfied, you can always switch to another one of our affordable, 100% renewable energy plans.

*Time-of-use plan availability varies by utility provider. PUCT 10279. © Rhythm.