Do your part for the planet.

Rhythm Energy on Thursday, June 22, 2023
Blog Hero: Average Cost of Solar Panels in Texas

So long, fossil fuels.

As a 100% renewable energy provider, we care about the future of Texas, the planet, and everyone in it. That's why this might be our favorite reason for people to choose solar. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy doesn't expel harmful toxins into the air. It’s energy that’s so fresh and so clean. By going solar, you’re one fewer person relying on oil, gas, and coal to help curb climate change.

There’s no wrong way with Rhythm Energy.

Some solar-power systems can cover all your electricity needs; some can’t. That’s just how it is. But if you go solar with Rhythm and need a backup electricity plan to cover what your panels may not, signing up for Rhythm for traditional electricity is a double whammy for the planet, because all our traditional electricity plans are also 100% green. This last year, thanks to our 100% renewable energy plans and solar plans, Rhythm customers helped offset the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by an impressive 332 million pounds. The EPA tells us that’s the same as...

  • 386 million miles walked instead of driven

  • 6.5 million bags of trash recycled

  • 16.9 million gallons of gas consumed

  • 18.3 billion smartphones charged

Solar helps globally and locally.

We like to talk about how much going solar can help the planet as a whole, but it’s also important to focus locally for a minute. How do you feel when there’s an “Air Quality Alert” in your neighborhood. Icky, right? By going solar, and more and more people doing so, the benefits can legitimately become a breath of fresher air.

Do your part - go solar. And we’ll help.

Categories: Solar Energy
Tagged: solar energy, solar power, solar panels, go green, planet

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